Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Once a delinquent account file is referred to Natale Law Offices typically a demand letter will be sent to the last known address of the debtor. The demand letter will identify the creditor-the party to whom the funds are owing, the amount owing and a file reference number. If the balance owing is high enough the letter may include an attachment which is a draft statement of claim. An issued statement of claim has a court file number on it. The demand letter with the draft statement of claim is not an issued claim and the letter is clear about that. The letter is a legitimate demand for funds owing from a party. The clients, who authorize the letters, are pursuing money they legitimately believe is outstanding and there exists no support for anyone who alleges they are fraudulent or a fraud. The letter clearly and unequivocally states that the attachment is a DRAFT only. The attachment clearly states it is a draft. For anyone to interpret it differently is without foundation or support. There is nothing fraudulent whatsoever about the letters which Deanna Natale authorizes to be sent from her office, Natale Law Offices. If a consumer has a question or a concern they should call her directly at 905-413-8748.

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